We Solve Waste Problems
With Energy Solutions
BRADAM Energies is a Renewable Energy company developing net carbon-neutral solutions to address a multitude of environmental issues. Our patented Carbon Energy Recovery (CER™) System works to divert carbon-based waste from landfills and convert it into clean, renewable energy in the form of Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) & Green Hydrogen or Substitute Natural Gas (SNG).
WASTE is a terrible thing to waste.™
Plastic Waste Solutions
With less than 10% of all plastic products being recycled, plastic has become ubiquitous throughout the environment and is wreaking havoc on ecosystems at a global scale. Our system keeps plastic out of the environment by converting both pure and contaminated plastic waste streams into useable energy and destroys all chemicals of concern (such as PFAS) in the process.
Biogenic Carbon Waste Solutions
Biogenic carbon waste is any waste derived from biological sources like plants and trees before they are fossilized (such as food waste, animal waste, wood, etc.). As biogenic carbon waste decays, it emits methane. Methane is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping heat in the atmosphere. The CER™ System eliminates methane emissions from biogenic carbon waste by recovering 100% of the energy within it and preventing it from going to landfills.
Solid Waste Solutions
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Industrial Solid Waste (ISW) are generally either incinerated or landfilled, both of which result in negative environmental impacts. Further, both practices result only in partial energy recovery from either waste source. Our system converts all carbon-based MSW and ISW into useable energy and eliminates the negative environmental impacts to the atmosphere, land and available water supplies associated with current practices.
Learn How Our CER™ System works:
The Energies We Produce:
Energies Produced from Fossil Carbon Waste
Mitigating Carbon Emissions: